Freedom convoy investigation: official sticks to extremist comments


Public Security Minister Marco Mendicino stands by his claim that the “freedom convoy” had extremist elements.

A member of the Ontario Provincial Police appeared to question that claim in a document filed with the Public Order Emergency Commission, with the inquiry examining the circumstances surrounding the use of the Measures Act. ’emergency.

“I don’t know where political figures get information or intelligence on the extent of extremist involvement,” the OPP superintendent said. Pat Morris wrote in an email.

On CTV’s Power Play, host Mike LeCouteur asked the minister on Friday if he stands by that claim.

“Yes,” Mendicino replied. Mendicino has previously cited extremist ties to defend the government’s decision to invoke the Emergency Measures Act in February.

He went on to say that the extremist rhetoric sparked both the convoy in Ottawa and protests across the country.

“You saw figures like Pat King, who was closely tied to the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy,’ saying the only way this was going to end was with bullets,” he told LeCouteur.

Supt. Morris testified at the inquest on Wednesday.

Mendicino’s name is on the list of witnesses to testify before the commission.

Mendicino talks about the investigation in the video at the top of this article.