‘Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee’ review: Netflix documentary can’t make sense of antivirus pioneer’s bizarre tale

Director Charles Russell relies on footage shot by vice-reporter Rocco Castoro and cameraman Robert King from 2012, when they joined the wealthy antivirus software pioneer (whose company bears his name) as he was fleeing law enforcement in Belize, suspected in the murder of his neighbor, Gregory Faull. To reinforce how bonkers everything here is, their argument centered around McAfee’s dogs barking at Faull’s parrot.
With plenty of cash, guns, and drugs at his disposal (sounds like a Warren Zevon song), McAfee spent the next few years as what he calls a seasoned “flight risk.” In the meantime, he somehow found time to mount a Libertarian Party candidacy for president, publicly refuse to pay his taxes and insist that he was a target of drug cartels, without no proof.

McAfee is introduced with his much younger girlfriend Sam (who is interviewed later), before the narrative drops that part of the story about halfway through, picking up with McAfee about five years later, in 2019, as it moves from one crisis to the next.

Russell clearly wants to use the grainy imagery and close, personal exposure to McAfee’s ramblings to replicate an idea of ​​the man himself, but there’s only so far that can go without weaving more useful context into The mixture. Instead, “Running With the Devil” takes detours to tell the stories of those who followed McAfee, adding little to the larger plot beyond providing temporary respite from McAfee’s madness.

Those who have even followed McAfee’s story from afar know it didn’t end well, culminating in his arrest in Spain and suicide in 2021. Yet Russell’s attempt to provide what amounts to a snapshot not filtered from this bizarre character without fleshing out the details becomes a case study. in heat without light and the limits of this stylistic choice.

In the latter part of the film, the list of narrator sorts expands to include Alex Cody Foster, a self-proclaimed ghostwriter who hung out with McAfee and recorded lengthy interviews with him.

“Maybe he was a murderer, but I love good stories,” Foster says.

McAfee was clearly many things, and yes, a murderer could have been one of them. “Running With the Devil” can be forgiven for choosing not to bother getting bogged down in a juicy thread of wrestling with human morality, but as presented it’s just too messy. to qualify as a good story.

“Running With the Devil: The World of John McAfee” premieres August 24 on Netflix.